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e he hhe Thwas Company 

The company was formed in 2010 out of a 30 year Logistics Operation in new furniture products across Australia. Initially  a new direction was required and the focus was the Precious Metal Industry  and related Mining Companies. Shareholdings of many different companies were sort out, purchased and held. After a steep learning curve in this heavily massaged market, the focus was changed to CFDs and other exotic products. These to were traded but voliatility and market manipulation were the main barriers. Finally an emerging need in the Property Investment/ Management  field became obvious and so services that provided to those needs were created to meet the demand . This included......
1. Private management arrangements where clients received fixed returns on each unit of property and a profit sharing basis if the returns exceeded a certain value. 
2. Competitive quotes for repairs , renovations, with a guarantee of first class trade works to satisfy even the most discerning clients.
Armani Holdings is a niche market participent , they offer honesty , integrity and above all high quality. 

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